Category: What Breaks Your Heart?


Have you ever been taken by surprise by someone you trusted? Suddenly out of the blue, found yourself the recipient of accusations, allegations and blame?

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Trouble with a T

Over the past few weeks I’ve discovered different natural bush walks and flat walks along the long roads near my house. And I try to

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Writing has always given me joy, solace and peace of mind. I started writing poetry at the age of 10 and still have those poems

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What a ( confusing) Year!

Personally, politically, privately and publically. What a year! What a brilliant, bloody, bastard of a year. We all have stories to tell, memories we will never forget,

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Ending War

Reflecting the Polarization of our World. War divides people into the passionate pro’s and the ardent con’s. Instead of coming together and exploring unity, most

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The Israeli Illusion of Time

Driving through Tel Aviv can be unnerving. I find people either drive so close to the car in front, that their bonnet becomes an extension

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The Exodus of Eritreans

Recently there was a large demonstration of Eritreans and Sudanese asylum seekers in Tel Aviv. Its quite an experience watching and listening to a loud

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