WOW!!!- What a fantastic response!!
Thank you so, so much for sharing with me your incredible shifts and changes. I am so excited that the heart opening meditation brought you face to face with your beautiful Inner Child. This is truly a transformational experience.
Some of you have asked me whether I can keep the course
at this price for a while longer so that they can tell their friends. Well, how about this?
Meeting and Embracing Your Inner Child is only $19.99.
So what is an on-line course and how does it work? You will receive an email from me each day ( for 3 days). At the bottom of the email you will see some links like this:
MP3 Healing the Childlike Part of Ourselves
Just click these links.It is that easy.
On three consecutive days you will receive an email from me. Each day gives you an opportunity to meet and embrace the Child Within. Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process, says we left our inner child behind when we entered the “responsible” world of adulthood.
Our Inner Child wants the best for us, wants to help us to create a wondrous, joyous, ecstatic, fulfilling life. We ignore its input, its contribution because of its “childishness.” Yet, it is just that childlike nature that can serve our higher and true calling in life.
Lesson 1. Who and What is the INNER CHILD