The Land of Milk and Honey- Day One
We arrived to our new home for the next five months in a place called Ra’annana. Fifteen minutes from the heart of Tel Aviv
Jet lag woke us early and so we decided to go out and walk. We have a lovely little makolet ( corner store) not far from our home and the quality of the fruit and veggies is wonderful. They even have worcestershire sauce. Ah Ra’annana!
As we continued down the road to fine the big Canion ( Shopping Centre ) we passed an orange orchard on the side of the highway.
There were rows of trees bursting with huge juicy oranges. We literally stopped to look through the wire fence
at this wonderful part of Israel. A little further we passed palm trees bursting with ripening dates.
An old lady was sitting at the bus stop and Oren said ‘Boker Tov’ good morning, to which she replied, “Boker Tov. Elohim Ishmor. Ti’iyu Bri’im” – Good Morning. May God keep you. May you both have good health.
We looked at each other. We had just been seriously blessed. Only in Israel.
Israeli is always an experience. Delicious fresh salad, eggs, avocado, cheese. Who can eat so much food?
We did!
Huge day of remembering Israeli bureaucracy. After 6 and 1/2 hours we eventually rented a car!!
Avis had offered us an old bomb, broken seats, filthy, scratched, with a replaced bumper bar and a different colour bonnet to the rest of the car and raised their eye brows when we said thats not fit to be a rented car. ” Take it or leave it,” she said with an extra long cigarette hanging from her mouth. We’ll leave it, thank y….. She had turned around before we even finished thanking her.
So now to find a car. It took hours of phone calls but eventually my friend from whom I we are renting the apartment suggested one company and they had a car. Promising us that the slight odor will go as soon as we star up the engine, we drove home only to realise we were choking on the left over smoke from countless packets of cigarettes smoked by the last driver. I can’t believe Im saying this but, yes, we are going back tomorrow to ask for a change of car.
It is now 4 am. We woke up around 2 am and decided it was time to eat again. What with the best humus, gefilte fish, herring and bagels in the world this decision seemed a no-brainer to us both.
We’ve been happily watching TV, skyping our daughter Orly, and munching away until tiredness comes again.
Comments (5)
Walter Mason
Have a fabulous time away wish I could come and visit!
Walter, I await with open arms.
Desley Polmear
Hello Sharon, I was preparing my breakfast this morning and thinking: I wonder how Sharon is going or hasn't she left Australia yet. Then to open my email and get word from you was great, not surprising though. I love what you are doing, leaving all your possessions behind and being free. I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip and adventures. God Bless you both. lol Desley
Pam Baker
Great Blog. Soo glad you're both having memorable ecperiences, even if it's breathing in old smoke fumes. Mind you the hummous sounds much nore memorable though!! Enjoy!! X
Estelle Phillips
Love all the blogs! Sounds like the Land Of Love Life, Milk and Honey. Enjoy and keep them coming. Estelle xxxx