For many years, more than I can remember, I have been an avid reader of Maria Popov, who writes The Marginalian.
For those that do not know who Maria Popova is, I strongly suggest you read a little about this marvellously talented Bulgarian born American based writer of commentary, poetry, cultural criticism and creator of the visually beautiful newsletter mentioned above. Not a newsletter passes me by that I am not repeatedly reminded that the more I know, the more I know, I don’t know.
Her latest Newsletter titled How to Love the World More: George Saunders on the Courage of Uncertainty, coincided with my latest talk, where I was invited as guest speaker to discuss the topic What’s Love got to do with Miracles? Don’t you just love the way the universe manipulates energy, creating synchronicity that grabs our attention and gives us a much needed pause for thought. And ,as if that wasn’t enough, I went to a movie yesterday and saw Alleluya where Judi Dench played an old patient called Mary, a retired librarian, who prefered to read the marginalia than the books themselves. And here we are back to the beginning.
** Marginalia-notes written in the margins of a text.**
So what has one thing got to do with the other?
George Saunders feels we can learn to love the world more by being willing to release our tight stronghold on certainty. Over the past four years since Oren died, friends have come and gone from my life. Those who had lost and needed a ‘buddy ‘ to cry with have all but disappeared from my life because grief buddies are temporary. Those who hold onto their grief by idealising the one who died cannot bare to see those of us moving forward in a joyful positive manner. To hold onto the certainty that life made a mistake in taking our loved one away, or in losing that job, or becoming ill, or in being treated unfairly, swallows the love that is abundantly available to everyone.
In my book Everyday Miracles most of the miracles appeared as a result of a huge and often painful event. All we need to do it is trust that this terrible time in our lives is leading us towards something else. Nothing is permanent.Nothing stays the same.
It’s often the notes in the margin that make the book even more interesting. I have often been convinced that what I beleive is right and yet when I allow myself to I let go of one story and explore another possibility, the world of limitless possibility. emerges.
Judy Dench holds an ipad for the first time in Alleluya and discovers, through its len, that all is not as it seems.
Nothing really is.
And knowing that calls the right people into our lives and releases the ones who are on a different trajectory.
No right. No wrong.
It’s just Love doing it’s thing.
Comments (2)
Beautifully worded and spiritually resonating Sharon.Welcome home from your current adventures abroad.
Sharon Snir
Thank you Yvonne. You comments are alway a joy to receive