It was such a joy to interview Makaya Revell. Long before I met him, Dr. Elizabeth Revel, and I met through the internet. She was the editor of the AAGT( American Association of Gestalt Therapy) Journal. And I was the editor or the GANZ ( Gestalt Australia and New Zealand) Newsletter. We became life -long friends years before we ever met face to face. This is a story of a young 16 year old boy from the Democratic Republic of Congo who found himself by ‘accident’ as a refugee in America. Of course there really are no accidents. Destiny always has a way of overriding our plans if She chooses. This is Makaya’s story. But it is also Elizabeth and the late and great Alvin Revell’s story. It is a story that has touched every member of my family too and thousands of people who have been inspired by this extraordinary man. It is a story that changed the lives of Makaya’s amazingly resilient brothers whose work in the Congo through the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation makes a difference to many DRC orphan children.
This is part one. Part two will follow in a couple of weeks.